March 1


Bodyweight Bicep Workouts: The Key to Bigger Arms

Looking to build bigger arms safely? You’ve landed on the right place! In this blog post; I’ll be discussing the best bodyweight exercises for biceps that you can do anywhere, anytime.

We will also go through the right ways to perform these exercises so that you don’t have any issues while performing them.  You can achieve bulging biceps by incorporating these exercises into your workout routine.

Stay around!

1. Bodyweight Curls 

Bodyweight curls are one of the best exercises for the biceps. There is no equipment required for this exercise, which makes it the best.

How To 

  • Put your hands on a racked barbell, pull-up bar, or other anchored handle in front of you at chest level with your palms facing up and your shoulders apart.
  • Put your feet directly beneath the pull-up bar or barbell.
  • When your legs and upper body are straight, and your arms are fully extended laying back. You ought to be angled at roughly 45 degrees.
  • Just bend your elbows as you pull yourself up to the bar. Place your hands on the bar and touch them to your shoulders or chest.

This is one of the best bodyweight bicep exercises for beginners that you can try. 

Pro Tip 

Bending at the hips can make these simple, just as bending at the knees can make push-ups easier.

2. Isometric Bodyweight Curls 

Isometric bodyweight curls are a great way to work your biceps without putting too much strain on your joints.

How To 

  • At chest level, place your palms facing up and shoulders apart on a racked barbell, pull-up bar, or other anchored handle.
  • Directly under the pull-up bar or barbell, place your feet.
  • When your legs and arms are straight and your arms are fully extended, lean back. It is ideal to have a 45-degree angle.
  • As you lift yourself up, bend your elbows. Grasp the bar with your shoulders or chest.
  • Hold this position for five to ten seconds with your biceps fully contracted.

Pro Tip 

While performing this exercise, hold a water bottle or other lightweight object in each hand.

3. Negative Body Weight Curls

Negative body weight curls are a great way to build strength in your biceps.

How To 

  • Using a racked barbell, pull-up bar, or other anchored handle, place your hands at chest level with palms facing up and shoulders apart.
  • Directly under the pull-up bar or barbell, place your feet.
  • Lean back while your arms are fully extended, and your legs are straight. A 45-degree angle is ideal.
  • As you lift yourself up, bend your elbows. Touch the bar with your shoulders or chest.
  • Let your arms fully extend before lowering your body for five seconds.
  • Repeat each negative rep at the same speed.

Pro Tip 

To make this exercise more challenging, try performing the negative curls with only one arm at a time.

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    4. Inverted Rows

    Inverted rows are an excellent bodyweight exercise that targets your biceps, back and core muscles.

    How To

    • If you’re on a bench press, set the bar stacked above your head. Alternatively, lay on the floor beneath an anchored barbell.
    • Keeping your palms facing up, hold the bar narrower than shoulder-width apart.
    • Pull yourself up to the bar so that your chest hits the barbell and only your heels are touching the floor in a plank position with your torso straight.
    • As soon as your elbows are fully stretched, reposition yourself downward.

    Pro Tip 

    Don’t let those hips go! By allowing the hips to flex, inverted rows reduce the amount of weight the biceps have to lift.

    5. Isometric Inverted Rows 

    You can work your biceps and back muscles with isometric inverted rows without putting too much strain on your joints.

    How To 

    • Lie on the floor beneath an anchored barbell, with the bar stacked above you, or sit on a bench press.
    • Put your palms up on the bar and hold it a little narrower than shoulder-width apart.
    • Put yourself in a plank position with your torso straight, so your chest hits the barbell, and only your heels are touching the floor.
    • Keeping your chest against the barbell while tensing your biceps for the entire time (often 5+ seconds).
    • Reposition yourself downward until your elbows are fully stretched.

    This is one of the best bodyweight back exercises which also targets your biceps.

    Pro Tip

    To make the exercise harder, hold a small object in each hand as you perform the isometric hold.

    6. Negative Inverted Rows 

    Negative inverted rows are one of the best bodyweight exercises for biceps without equipment. They are an excellent way to build strength in your biceps, back, and core muscles. 

    How To 

    • Place an anchored barbell beneath you with the bar stacked above it, or sit on a bench press with the bar stacked above it.
    • Keeping your palms up, hold the bar a little narrower than shoulder-width apart.
    • Put your chest on the barbell with only your heels touching the floor in a plank position with your torso straight.
    • Increase the duration of this part of the action (5+ seconds, for example), and then lower yourself back down to the full extension of your elbows.

    Pro Tip

    To make this exercise more challenging, try performing the negative inverted rows with only one arm at a time.

    7. Chin-Ups 

    Chip-up exercise is the best for those people who specifically want to target their biceps, back, and shoulders

    How To

    • Pull-up bars should be held with your hands slightly thinner or shoulder-width apart.
    • Fully extend your elbows.
    • Above the bar, raise your chin.
    • Once again, reverse the downward motion until your arms are fully extended.

    Pro Tip 

    Start with assisted chin-ups using a resistance band if you’re new to chin-ups. You can support your weight by putting your foot or knee in the bottom loop of the band.

    8. Isometric Chin-Ups 

    A negative chin-up is a challenging exercise that targets your biceps and builds eccentric strength, making it ideal for increasing bicep strength and endurance.

    How To 

    • When gripping a pull-up bar overhead with your palms facing away from you, keep your arms around shoulder width apart or even narrower.
    • Let your elbows extend fully so that you can hang.
    • Your chin should be above the bar when you lift yourself up.
    • Take a moment to maintain this posture (5+ seconds).
    • After reversing your downward motion, your arms should be fully extended.

    Pro Tip

    When squeezing your biceps, make sure your elbows are close to your sides.

    9. Negative Chin-Ups 

    Negative chin-ups are a challenging variation that works your biceps and builds eccentric strength.

    How To 

    • Put your hands about shoulder-width apart on a pull-up bar overhead.
    • Extend your elbows fully.
    • The bar should pass your chin as you pull your chin over it.
    • Return to fully extended arms after a few seconds.

    Pro Tip 

    Engage your biceps while you descend by keeping your elbows close to your sides.

    10. Isometric Bicep Holds 

    The isometric bicep holds the target and strengthens the bicep muscles. It is best for those who want to improve the strength and endurance of their biceps.

    How To 

    • To perform squats, you must place your hands under an immovable surface (for example, a heavy barbell you can’t move, an anchored table, or a squat rack).
    • As if you were curling, pull your hands as firmly as you can against the underside of the surface.
    • Hold this stiff position for a predetermined period of time (often five or more seconds).

    Pro Tip 

    To make this exercise more challenging, hold a lightweight in your hand or use a resistance band to add extra resistance.

    11. Suspension Trainer Biceps Curl

    Suspension Trainer Biceps Curl targets the biceps and is best for those who want to build bicep strength with minimal equipment.

    How To 

    • Start by holding onto the suspension trainer handles with your palms facing up. Lean back slightly and curl your body towards the handles, squeezing your biceps at the top of the movement. Lower yourself back down with control.

    Pro Tip 

    To make this exercise more challenging, try adding a pause at the top of the movement or doing a single-arm variation.

    Bodyweight Workouts For When You Really Want To Bust your Biceps

    When you really want to challenge your biceps without any equipment, these bodyweight exercises are a great place to start.

    1. Headbanger 

    Step or bench your feet into a plank position. Push back up to your starting position after lowering your head to the bench. 

    2. Towel chin-up 

    Grab the ends of a towel and wrap it around a pull-up bar. Using your biceps to lift your body, pull your body towards the bar. 

    3. Lateral plank walk 

    Plank with your hands on the ground. Keep your body straight while walking right and left. 

    4. Commando chin-up 

    Get into a plank position with your hands on a step or bench. Push back up to the starting position after lowering yourself to one elbow, then the other. 

    5. Inchworm chin-up 

    Place your hands on the ground and hinge forward at your hips. Put your hands in a plank position, then walk them back toward your feet. Perform a chin-up after reaching your feet.

    How To Craft Your Own Killer Bodyweight Workout Routine 

    • Choose exercises that will help you achieve your fitness goals.
    • Push-ups, lunges, and squats work for multiple muscle groups at once.
    • Organize your workout by choosing a variety of exercises and arranging them in a logical sequence.
    • HIIT can boost your calorie burn and cardiovascular fitness.
    • Make sure you warm up before your workout and stretch afterward to prevent injuries. It is possible to create a bodyweight workout routine that is both challenging and effective with a little creativity and planning.

    Safety first

    Stop immediately if you experience any discomfort other than your regular “burn.” Keep your distance if you experience any severe pain. Good form can help you get swole and get the most out of your workout.

    How To Create Your Own Bodyweight Bicep Routine 

    1. Variety

    First, variety is key. You want to choose exercises that work your biceps from different angles and with different levels of resistance. This could include variations of chin-ups, push-ups, and isometric holds.

    2. Progression 

    Second, progression is important. You want to challenge your muscles by increasing the difficulty of your exercises over time. This could mean adding more reps, increasing the length of your isometric holds, or trying more challenging variations of exercises.

    3. Total Sets and Reps 

    Finally, you need to consider the total number of sets and reps you’ll do in your workout. This will depend on your fitness level and goals, but a good starting point is to aim for 3-5 sets of each exercise, with 8-12 reps per set.


    Now you know about all of the best bodyweight exercises for the biceps. Also, we have been through how you could perform these exercises safely without harming yourself.  That’s it. I hope it helps.