March 10


Target Your Arms with The Top 31 Creative Bodyweight Arm Exercises

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your arms and wishing they were stronger and more defined? And You don’t have access to a gym or weights, and you’re unsure how to achieve the desired results?

Many people have this problem, but luckily, many bodyweight exercises can help you tone and strengthen your arms. In this blog post, I’ll explore some of the best bodyweight exercises for arms that you can do anywhere without any gym equipment. 

Arm Anatomy

Understanding your arms’ muscles is essential before we begin the exercises. A person’s upper arms are composed of two main muscles: the triceps and the biceps. 

The triceps are on the back of the upper arm, while the biceps are on the front. As you push, pull, and lift, these muscles work together.

Benefits Of Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

The benefits of incorporating bodyweight exercises into your arm workout routine are numerous. You can do them anywhere without any equipment, which makes them convenient. 

In addition, bodyweight exercises can be just as effective as weightlifting when performed correctly. Additionally, bodyweight exercises engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, so they improve your overall fitness.

Bodyweight Arm Warm-Ups

The importance of warm-up before any exercise cannot be overstated and arm workouts are no exceptions. Below are some of the best warm-ups before your work-outs.

1. Arm Circles 

Woman Doing Arm Circles
  • Reach out your arms to the side while standing shoulder-width apart.
  • Rotate your arms slowly in a circular motion using small circles at first.
  • Switch directions after 20-30 seconds.

2. Overhead Shoulder Stretch 

Woman Doing Overhead Shoulder  Stretch

Overhead shoulder stretch is the best arm strength exercise for beginners that you can try.

  • Standing with your feet hip-width apart, interlace your fingers behind your back.
  • Lift your arms as far behind you as possible, then hold them for 10-15 seconds.

3. Wrist Flexor & Extensor Stretch

Woman Doing Wrist Flexor & Extensor Stretch

Wrist Flexor & Extensor Stretch are the best bodyweight arm exercises for beginners. 

  • When you extend your right arm out in front of you, your palm should face down.
  • With your left hand, reach toward your body until your wrist and forearm feel stretched.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side after holding for 10-15 seconds.

4. Lat Stretch

Man Doing Lat Stretch
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while extending your arms above your head.
  • Reach your left hand down towards your knee while leaning slowly to the right.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side after holding for 10-15 seconds.

5. Cross-Body Stretch

Man Doing Cross-Body Stretch
  • As you extend your right arm across your chest, gently pull it towards your body with your left hand.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side after holding for 10-15 seconds.

Cross-body stretch is one of the best bodyweight exercises for arms and chest.

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    6. Pectoral Stretch 

    Man Doing Pectoral Stretch
    • Place your fingers behind your back while standing shoulder-width apart.
    • Lift your arms as far behind you as you can, then hold them for 10-15 seconds before releasing them.
    • This stretch targets your chest and shoulder muscles.

    17 Easy Bodyweight Exercises For Arms

    1. Plank Tap Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Plank Tap Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Put your hands directly under your shoulders in a high plank position.
    • Return to your starting position by tapping your right hand against your left shoulder.
    • On the other side, repeat the process.
    • For 30-60 seconds, alternate sides.


    • Works your entire core and upper body.
    • Can be modified to suit different fitness levels.


    • May be difficult for beginners.

    2. Side Plank Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Side Plank Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Lie on your side with your elbow directly under your shoulder and start in a side plank position.
    • You should form a straight line with your body when you raise your hips.
    • Once you have held for 30-60 seconds, switch sides.


    • Targets your obliques and improves your balance.
    • Can be modified to make it easier or more challenging.


    • Requires good form to avoid injury.

    3. Forearm Plank Reach Out Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Forearm Plank Reach Out Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Put your elbows directly beneath your shoulders and start in a forearm plank position.
    • Afterward, reposition your right arm in front of you.
    • Then repeat on the other side.
    • Spend 30-60 seconds alternately on each side.


    • Engage your core, biceps, and shoulders.
    • Can help improve your posture and balance.


    • Requires good form to avoid injury.

    4. Plank Up-Down Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Plank Up-Down Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Plank with your hands directly underneath your shoulders in a high position.
    • Then lower your left elbow.
    • Then raise your left hand, followed by your right hand.
    • Then repeat with your left elbow.
    • For 30-60 seconds, alternate sides.


    • Works your entire core and upper body.
    • Can help improve your endurance and coordination.


    • May be difficult for beginners.

    5. Push-Up Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Man Doing Push Up Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Put your hands directly under your shoulders and start in a high plank position.
    • Keeping your elbows close to your sides, lower your body to the ground.
    • As soon as you reach your starting position, push yourself back up.
    • Perform 10-20 repetitions.


    • Targets your chest, triceps, and shoulders.
    • Can be modified to make it easier or more challenging.


    • May be difficult for those with weak wrists or shoulder issues.

    6. Downward Dog to Push-Up Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Downward Dog to Push Up Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Your hands and feet are on the ground, your hips raised in a downward dog position.
    • Maintain a high plank position with your elbows close to your sides.
    • Return to the starting position by pushing up.
    • Perform 10-20 repetitions.


    • Works your entire upper body and helps improve your flexibility.
    • Can be modified to make it easier or more challenging.


    • Beginners may find it challenging.
    • To avoid injury, you must maintain good form.

    7. Decline Push-Up Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Decline Push-Up  Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • With your feet elevated on a bench or step, begin in a high plank position.
    • Keep your elbows close to your sides as you lower your body toward the ground.
    • Return to the starting position by pushing up.
    • For 10-20 repetitions, repeat the exercise.


    • Increases the difficulty of a regular push-up by elevating your feet.


    • Requires a sturdy bench or step to elevate your feet.

    8. Incline Push-Up Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Man Doing Incline Push-Up  Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Using a bench or step, elevate your hands in a plank position.
    • Maintain a close angle to the ground while lowering your body.
    • Return to the starting position by pushing up.
    • Perform 10-20 repetitions.


    • Easier to perform than a regular push-up, making it a good option for beginners.


    • Requires a sturdy bench or step to elevate your hands.

    9. Lateral Plank Walk Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Lateral Plank Walk Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Put yourself in a high plank position.
    • Using your right hand and right foot, take a step to the right, then follow it with your left hand and left foot.
    • Repeat for 10-20 steps to the right, then to the left.


    • It focuses on your shoulders, triceps, and core.
    • Stabilises and balances the body.


    • Can be challenging for beginners.

    10. Triceps Box Dip Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Man Doing Triceps Box Dip Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Place your hands on either side of your hips as you sit on the edge of a sturdy bench or step.
    • You should lower your body towards the ground after sliding your butt off the bench.
    • Return to the starting position by pushing up.
    • Perform 10-20 repetitions.


    • Can be modified to increase or decrease the difficulty level.


    • Requires a sturdy bench or step to perform.

    11. Body Saw Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Body Saw Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Lie on the ground with your forearms in the plank position.
    • Move your weight forward and back, sliding your body with your forearms.
    • Perform 10-20 repetitions.


    • Targets your shoulders, triceps, and core.
    • Can be modified to increase or decrease the difficulty level.


    • Requires good form to avoid injury.

    12. Bodyweight Triceps Dip Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Bodyweight Triceps Dip Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Place your hands on either side of your hips as you sit on the edge of a sturdy bench or step.
    • Lower your body towards the ground by bending your elbows.
    • Return to the starting position by pushing up.
    • Perform 10-20 repetitions.


    • Targets your triceps and shoulders.
    • Can be modified to increase or decrease the difficulty level.


    • Requires a sturdy bench or step to perform.

    13. Inchworm Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Inchworm Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Put your feet shoulder-width apart and stand up.
    • Bend forward and place your hands on the ground.
    • Take a high plank position with your hands extended.
    • Straighten your legs as you walk from your feet to your hands.
    • Perform 10-12 repetitions.


    • Works for multiple muscle groups in the arms, shoulders, and core.
    • Helps improve flexibility and mobility.


    • Can put a strain on the lower back if not done with proper form.

    14. Diamond Push-Up Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Man Doing Diamond Push-Up Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Start in a high plank position with your hands close together, forming a diamond shape with your thumbs and index fingers.
    • Lower your body down towards the ground, keeping your elbows close to your sides.
    • Push back up to the starting position.
    • Perform 10-12 repetitions.


    • Targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
    • Can be modified for different fitness levels.


    • May be difficult for beginners or those with limited upper body strength.

    15. Forearm Plank to Dolphin Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Forearm Plank to Dolphin Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Put your elbows directly beneath your shoulders and start in a forearm plank position.
    • Maintain a high hip position as you push up into a downward-facing dog pose.
    • In a forearm plank, lower your back down.
    • Perform 10-12 repetitions.


    • Works the arms, shoulders, and core.
    • Helps improve overall body strength and stability.


    • May be challenging for beginners or those with limited upper body strength.

    16. Plank With Spinal Rotation Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Plank With Spinal Rotation Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Put your hands directly under your shoulders and start in a high plank position.
    • By reaching your left arm up towards the ceiling, you will rotate your body to the left.
    • On the right side, return to the starting position and repeat.
    • On each side, repeat for 10-12 reps.


    • Targets the arms, shoulders, and core.
    • Helps improve overall body stability and balance.


    • May be challenging for beginners or those with limited upper body strength.

    17. Plank Jack Bodyweight Exercises for Arms

    Woman Doing Plank Jack Bodyweight exercises for arms
    • Put your hands directly under your shoulders and start in a high plank position.
    • Put your feet out to the sides, then put them back in the centre.
    • Perform 10-12 repetitions.


    • Works the arms, shoulders, and core.
    • Helps improve cardiovascular endurance.


    • May be challenging for beginners or those with limited upper body strength.


    What Are Your Arm Muscles Anyway?

    Muscles in the arm are divided into four types: biceps, triceps, forearms, and shoulders.

    How Do You Get In An Arms Workout Without Equipment? 

    Bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, planks, and chin-ups can help you tone your arms without equipment.


    Now you’re aware of the best bodyweight arm exercises that you can try out at home. Not just that. 

    You also know how to perform all of these exercises properly. That’s all I had for you in this essay. I hope it helps!