February 16


Beginner Gym Workout Routine For Weight Loss

Have you put on the extra weight and now want to lose it? It’s likely that you’re searching for weight loss workout routines online. But the issue is that whatever workout routines you get to see online are way too difficult to follow, especially for beginners.

Taking this into account, I’m going to share a gym workout routine for weight loss that will be easy to follow. Even beginners will be able to shed excess weight from their bodies.

Let’s jump right into today’s topic, without keeping you waiting.

How To Lose Weight At The Gym?

lose weight at the gym

Losing weight is undoubtedly challenging for most people as it is a process that involves changing your established lifestyle patterns. However, you need to go through this process to get to the new you, you so desperately want.

When working out for weight loss, the more difficult a workout, the more pressure it will put on the extra fat in your body, which will then burn off.

However, starting with too big a goal in mind is definitely going to ruin your workout journey. Because if you set yourself a big goal of losing, let’s say, 10 kg of weight in a month, you may be disappointed if you do not achieve it.

I’m not saying that you can’t do that; you really can, but at the start, your body can’t handle so much. Thus, you should not put too much pressure at the very beginning.

So, make sure your goals are achievable first. And then, don’t hurry to lose weight. Because it’ll make you chew more than your body can handle, which will do more harm than good to your body. You can increase the workout intensity each week when your body gets used to the routine.

How Much Should A Beginner Work Out?

lose weight at the gym

In terms of scientific study, a beginner should work out 3 to 4 days a week for 30 to 40 minutes each day. However, many factors influence how much exercise a beginner should do, including how much time they have and how long it takes them to recover from one exercise session.

Also, how fit you are and how much exercise you can do in a week. The other factor that determines how much exercise you do is your goal. Big goals necessitate big and time-consuming efforts!

    Get the latest exercise types, equipment reviews, fitness tips and exclusive offers to help you on your fitness journey.

    How To Start Working Out For The First Time?

    How should you start working out for the very first time to lose weight? So, the following are the things that you should do when you’re starting to work out for the very first time:

    • Get yourself a good pair of running and jogging shoes. It’s a pathetic idea to do a workout in your normal shoes.
    • You might feel uncomfortable doing the workout in your regular clothes. Thus, put some bucks into buying a good workout dress for yourself that is comfortable.
    • Select an exercise time that you can stick to. You shouldn’t be changing your routine over and over again. In this way, your body won’t get used to a single routine.
    • Set small goals at your start so that you can easily achieve them, and then get motivated by them to play big!
    • See if there is a friend of yours who has to lose weight just like you. If you find any, invite him to join you on your fitness journey so that you can both be sources of motivation for each other. Studies show that spending time with other willing participants increases our likelihood of learning good practices. People who are less fit exercise more intensely when paired with a more fit partner, according to a study published in 2010
    • Take your workout photos on the first day and then keep them saved. Now, after 30 days of following the weight loss workout plan, take your photos again and see the difference. This will help you track your progress and keep you motivated along the way.

    How To Warm Up Before Exercising?

    Warming up your body before any exercise is like informing it that it’s going to get trained now. Therefore, you should start your workout with a dynamic warm-up and end it with cool-down stretches so that you do not injure yourself.

    Dynamic Warm-Up

    For your body parts to wake up and prepare for the workout, you need a dynamic warm-up. What does “dynamic warm-up” mean?

    Simply put, it means stretching the muscles of the body through movement rather than static stretches. You can cool down with static stretches after a dynamic warm-up. Before we begin the workout, let’s warm up.

    Warm-Up For Gym Workout For Beginners In 5 Minutes

    warming up at the gym

    Standing Toe Touches – 60 Seconds

    First of all, you have to stand tall. Then, with your right hand, touch your left foot slowly, in a controlled manner. Now, with your left hand, slowly lift your right foot. The same action should be repeated for one minute.

    Arm Circles – 60 seconds

    You should straighten your spine and extend your sidearm. Move your arms in a circle in one direction for 30 seconds. Make circles in the opposite direction this time, but repeat the same motion.

    Lateral Step With Arm Wings- 60 Seconds

    Straighten your spine while raising your arms above your head. Swing your arms back in the opposite direction of the foot you are stepping back with as you step back to the left. Then repeat with the left foot. Switch continuously for one minute.

    Hip Circles – 60 Seconds

    When standing still, keep your feet and hands separated by shoulder width. Spend 30 seconds rotating your hips clockwise. Rotate your hips the other way for another 30 seconds.

    March In Place – 60 seconds

    Walking for one minute is what is meant by marching in place. You can walk to the place you’re going to do the workout.

    Resistance Training For Weight Loss

    warm up at the gym

    Having a high metabolism in the body is important to losing weight. You must already know this. How would you feel if I told you that the more muscle mass you have, the faster you will lose weight?

    Yes, you heard that right. The more mass your body has, the more calories you burn by doing your daily routine activities.

    Thus, doing resistance training is crucial as it builds your muscles, increases your metabolism, and strengthens your body as well. Moreover, resistance exercises are also the best beginner gym workout routine for weight loss and toning. Exercises that involve resistance are diverse.

    You can do any of those exercises to lose weight, but make sure you’re not putting yourself in your comfort zone.

    Once your body gets used to any exercise, try to make it more challenging. Because, as stated earlier, the more challenging a workout is, the more weight it’ll help you lose. What exercises should a beginner start with to lose weight?

    A compound exercise, such as squats or deadlifts, engages multiple muscles at once, so they are the best place to start. Each movement should be performed three to four times, with ten to twelve repetitions each.

    Maintaining your heart rate can be achieved by keeping your rest time under 60 seconds. The more familiar you become with resistance bands, dumbbells, and kettlebells, the more you can incorporate them into your workouts.

    Doing Resistance Training For Beginners

    Beginners will find this circuit to be a great place to start. Weight or repetitions can be increased as you gain strength.

    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

    Skill LevelAll Levels


    • Taking a seat on a bench, place your feet firmly on the ground.
    • At shoulder height, hold a dumbbell in each hand with your forearms erect and your fingers pointing toward your face. The shoulders of your arms should be separated from your torso by just a little bit. Be sure to strengthen your core.
    • During exhalation, press the dumbbells up and in toward one another.
    • Control the weights and return them to their starting positions.

    Forearm Plank

    Skill LevelAll Levels
    Time30 Seconds


    • Your elbows should be just below your shoulders when lying face down on the floor with your forearms on the ground.
    • You should extend your legs straight behind you with your toes tucked in.
    • As you raise your body off the ground, press into your toes and forearms while keeping your core tight.
    • Ensure your back is level and your hips are in a straight line.
    • Place your hands in this position for 15–30 seconds. Gradually increase the time to 60 seconds.

    Air Squat

    Skill LevelBeginner


    • Hold your core tight while standing tall with your feet hip-width apart. At all times, keep your core strong and your feet firmly planted.
    • Your hands should be out in front of you, your knees should be bent slowly, and your hips must be pushed back so that you can fall to the ground. Lie down on a chair while lowering your body.
    • As you raise your body off the ground, press into your toes and forearms while keeping your core tight).
    • Immediately after you finish your squat, pause for a few seconds.
    • By pressing through your heels again as you exhale, you will reverse the motion. Retract your arms to your sides as you stand.

    Bent-Over Dumbbell Row

    Skill LevelAll Levels


    • Standing hip-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand with the palms facing in.
    • In order to lean forward and evenly distribute your weight between your heels, you must bend your knees and push your hips back. Your knees should be straight as you hang the weights.
    • Maintain a flat back by bracing your core.
    • As you lift the dumbbells toward your ribcage, squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull through your arms.
    • When the motion reaches its peak, pause.
    • Maintain your balance and spinal stability while lowering the dumbbells until they hang by your knees as you reverse the exercise.

    Reverse Lunge

    Skill LevelAll Levels


    • A hip-width distance between your feet and your arms is the ideal position for standing. It is recommended that each hand holds a pair of light dumbbells.
    • Step three steps behind yourself on your right leg, bending your knees to a 90-degree angle. Your front thigh should be parallel to the ground, and your rear knee should be just an inch above it.
    • The majority of your weight should be on the front leg when pressing onto your left heel.
    • Before standing, return the right leg to its original position.
    • Repetition should be done with the other leg as well.

    Sumo Squat

    Skill LevelAll Levels


    • With your toes pointing out 45 degrees, your feet should be slightly wider than hip-width apart. If the posture feels awkward, you may want to bring your feet closer together.
    • Hold your hands together and make a fist.
    • Squat down by bending your knees over your toes while maintaining a straight back while pushing your hips back. Don’t bend over when sliding down a wall. Keep your back straight.
    • As you descend, you should keep your thighs parallel to the ground (or as low as you are comfortable going).
    • You can return to a standing position by engaging your glutes, quadriceps, and core muscles. Put your weight on your feet.
    • When you reach the peak of the exercise, squeeze your glutes, then repeat.

    Incline Push-Up

    Skill LevelBeginner


    • Lie on a step, on an exercise bench, or on the seat of a chair and put your hands there.
    • A high plank requires you to be in a tight glute and core position. The hips should be in line with your head and heels, and the shoulders should be over the wrists.
    • Reduce your body weight toward the bench by bending your elbows 45 degrees from your torso.
    • Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you descend.
    • Your chest should be just over the bench when you press into the ground (or as low as you can go).

    Cardio Training For Weight Loss

    Cardio is great for losing weight, especially when you do it with other strengthening exercises. 

    So, make sure you do at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio per week along with the exercises mentioned above. The cardio exercise may include walking and jogging, and you can use the elliptical as well.

    Cool Down  Stretches

    Cool down after every exercise you do is crucial as it makes your body more flexible and reduces the chances of injuries as well.

    Standing Hamstring Stretch – Hold for 45 seconds

    Keep a straight posture while touching your toes with your hands while bending at the waist. As much as you can, bend your hamstrings to feel the stretch.

    Jog in Place – 30 seconds

    The first step is to assume a shoulder-width posture. Lift your knees to simulate running. Continue this movement for a minute.

    Standing Quad Stretch – 60 seconds (30-second hold for each leg) 

    If your balance is shaky while standing on one leg, hold onto something. For 30 seconds, bend the knee and maintain the stretch. Keeping your legs switched for 30 seconds is recommended.

    Child’s Pose Stretch – 45 seconds

    In addition to stretching the hips, lower back, thighs, and upper body, this stretch relieves stress and calms the body. Stretching can last up to 5 minutes or 45 seconds.

    Standing Wall Stretch –  30 seconds

    Your arm should touch a wall when you stretch it out. Place your hands against the wall and press back until you feel your shoulders stretch. In order to avoid shoulder injuries, do not push into the wall.


    What Gym Routine Should I Follow To Lose Weight?

    Do some resistance training workouts along with some cardio exercises such as jogging, running, and any cardio exercise that you want. Once you get used to any exercise, try to make it challenging. 

    A challenging exercise will help you burn your fat faster. As a beginner, you can exercise 3 to 4 days a week for 30 to 40 minutes every day. That’s a simple gym workout routine for losing weight.

    What Gym Workout Burns The Most Fat?

    The activity that burns the most calories per hour is running. Swimming, walking, and stationary bicycling are other fantastic possibilities.

    How Can I Lose Weight Fast At The Gym?

    Do jogging, cycling, and boxing along with your workout routine. These activities will help you lose faster at the gym.