September 13


5 Exercise Recovery Tips to Sustain Your Fitness Routine

When you’re committed to starting a fitness routine, it’s very important to be able to sustain it. One of the pitfalls of any fitness routine is the days in between exercises. If your body isn’t able to recover well, it’s not surprising that your body or muscles are going to feel sore. In effect, this may hamper your ability to continue with your exercises, thereby hurting your fitness goals.

Generally, the rule of thumb when it comes to better exercise recovery is to have an overall healthy lifestyle. The exercises you do aren’t a magic solution to suddenly becoming fit; you also have to commit to creating changes in all other dimensions of your health. In fact, you may even realize that your exercises aren’t giving you the results you want simply because they’re not coupled with the needed support.

To combat those issues, this article gives you a list of the best exercise recovery tips you can apply to your lifestyle to be able to sustain your fitness routine. Read on!

1. Take Supplements Post-Workout

Ever wondered why health advocates, such as fitness instructors and coaches always recommend a good amount of essential nutrients as a part of your workout routine?

Whatever diet or exercise routine you choose to go for, you need to beef things up with supplements. The reason for this is simple: when you exercise, your body’s natural supply of nutrients, which comprise your muscle fibers, becomes damaged. To be able to repair muscle damage, you’ll have to consume an adequate amount of the necessary nutrients you’ve lost during your workouts.

Some of the supplements you can take post-workout include:

  • Protein – You can get it from protein shakes and supplements, or from natural lean meat sources
  • Human growth hormones – You could try HyperGH14x and other similar products for your bodybuilding needs
  • Vitamin C and Zinc – You can get these from fruits (citrus fruits, in particular) and vegetables
  • Dietary fiber – Viable sources include leafy vegetables.

2. Get Hydrated

As you exercise and immediately following a strenuous exercise, it’s also very important to stay hydrated. Remember that the human body is predominantly made out of fluids. So, it follows that it also needs fluids for it to function well, as well as to replenish and repair itself. More so, when you sweat, you’re losing a lot of fluids.

You need to make up for that loss by staying hydrated, and the experts at Hydro Cell USA share that drinking water after an intense workout like a HIIT session can help to get your heart rate back to normal faster. 

If you still need more convincing, these are some of the other reasons why you need to replenish your lost fluids:

  • It improves muscle flexibility.
  • It prevents sore muscles.

·       It builds strength.

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    Apart from water, some of the best types of fluids you can take in order to stay hydrated include:

    • Coconut water
    • Chocolate milk
    •  Low-sugar sports drink
    •  Tart cherry juice

    3. Eat Healthily

    In between exercises, it’s also important to maintain a healthy diet. Your exercise routines won’t show your desired results if you don’t pair them up with a healthy diet. These two should always go hand-in-hand. Most importantly, eating healthy ensures that you won’t suffer from any nutrient deficiency, which can possibly hurt your ability to recover the best way possible.

    As a general rule, eating healthy means the following:

    • Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables
    • Reducing your consumption of processed food.

    Have a Snack

    As someone who’s working out, you may be afraid of having a snack after every session due to the belief that doing so may simply put to waste all of your efforts. This notion can both be true and false.

    It only becomes true if the snacks you munch on are unhealthy. Naturally, if you’re snacking on sweets and other fatty treats, then you may just be gaining back the calories you’ve already lost through exercise. You may be making yourself feel full, but not healthy enough to make your body recover well after the exercise.

    This is why you should opt for healthy snacks instead. Snacking 45 minutes after you exercise is a good way to complete your workout. This can help you replenish any lost energy and start your recovery process.

    5. Sleep More

    If you’re not sleeping long enough, then this may also hamper your ability to recover well enough from your exercise. In fact, the more you exercise, the more sleep you need to have in order for your body to recover completely. When you’re sleep-deprived, your muscle recovery may be impaired for the very reason that the production of the hormones necessary for muscle growth is also impaired.


    While you might think of it as idle time, rest and recovery are actually a very important part of any exercise routine. How much rest you give your body and how well you recover can impact your exercise performance, as well as the results you wish to gain.


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