March 27


Getting Fit with Bodyweight Workouts: A Guide for Beginners

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and out of shape but unsure where to start with your fitness journey? Or, you may not prefer leaving your house for a workout and looking for no-equipment exercises. Then, look no further than bodyweight workouts for beginners!

They can be quite efficient in increasing strength, enhancing flexibility, and enhancing general health, in addition to being convenient and accessible. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned gym goer, this comprehensive guide on bodyweight workouts for beginners will walk you through all you need to know to get started. So, now you can say goodbye to expensive gym memberships and complicated equipment.

Explanation Of Bodyweight Workouts

Three Individuals Doing Workouts

Exercises known as “bodyweight workouts (calisthenics)” just use your body weight as resistance. As a result, these workouts are a perfect choice for people who want to get fit whenever and wherever they want without spending a lot of money on expensive equipment.

In fact, since they are frequently included in other fitness plans, there is a good probability that you have already performed several typical calisthenics exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, and squats. 

Benefits Of Bodyweight Workouts

  • One of the main advantages of bodyweight training is the ability to perform a workout practically anywhere. There are also several Bodyweight workouts that can be done when traveling.
  • These movements are regarded as full-body exercises and benefit all your body parts since you have to use every muscle in your body (arms, core, glutes, legs) to perform them.
  • Your body works to stabilize itself when you’re doing a bodyweight workout. It helps build muscle strength, aids in improving balance, and trains you to avoid injuries.

Who Are These Workouts Suitable For?

Bodyweight workouts are suitable for a wide range of individuals, including beginners, intermediate, and advanced fitness enthusiasts. These can be modified to accommodate different fitness goals, aims, and preferences.

Hence, bodyweight workout plans work for anyone of any age and with any body type. This is because you’ll gradually and steadily increase your strength without risk of injury by lifting heavy weights

Understanding Bodyweight Workouts

Topless Man Doing Weight Loss Exercises

The appropriate workouts can assist you in toning and strengthening muscles as well as increase functional strength by simulating the range of motion that the body’s various muscles experience daily. If you can perform these exercises correctly, you can quickly start a rigorous workout without stepping inside a gym.

Explanation Of Different Types Of Bodyweight Exercises

Here we will see different types of Bodyweight Exercises appropriate for different kinds of muscles. So if you are looking forward to a complete At-home workout, you can combine a few of these exercises and experience effective results. All of these bodyweight workouts for beginners give amazing results.

Bodyweight exercises for the upper body:

There are various different types of simple bodyweight workouts that are great for your upper body. Some common bodyweight exercises used to strengthen and tone the upper body are push-ups, pull-ups, dips, planks, burpees, mountain climbers, and isometric chest squeeze.

As they maintain the natural alignment of your joints and muscles, these can aid in posture improvement. Also, they assist in the strengthening of muscles like pecs (chest) and shoulders, as well as help in burning calories.

    Get the latest exercise types, equipment reviews, fitness tips and exclusive offers to help you on your fitness journey.

    Bodyweight exercises for the lower body:

    There are many bodyweight exercises that can be done to work out the lower body, and they offer several advantages over exercises that require equipment or weights. Some commonly performed strengthening exercises for the lower body are squats, lunges, step-ups, calf raises, and donkey kicks.

    The main advantage of these bodyweight pieces of training is that they require little to no equipment to carry out practical and efficient exercises. Even just having squat and lunge routines without weights will improve your coordination, strength, mobility, and general fitness.

    Bodyweight cardio workouts:

    Bodyweight cardio workouts are exercise routines that use your own body weight as resistance to get your heart rate up and increase your cardiovascular fitness. These workouts do not require any equipment, making them an affordable and accessible option for anyone looking to improve their fitness levels.

    Some of the cardio workouts you can easily perform at home are jumping jacks, burpees, high knees, and jump squats. 

    How To Perform Them Effectively

    Bodyweight exercises can be performed only with your body weight and the ground, or with the addition of props and other apparatus to alter your body’s angle and position.

    For instance, you can elevate your feet or hands using a bench, table, step, or chair, altering the force or set of muscles required in the exercise. However, we will discuss step-by-step instructions for different exercises in the next heading.

    Understanding The Different Equipment You Need For Bodyweight Workouts

    You can perform bodyweight workouts anywhere without the need for any special equipment. However, the right equipment can enhance your bodyweight workouts and make them more effective. Here is a list of different equipment to guide you better.

    • Pullup Bar: Using a pullup bar can help you build upper body strength. It can help in various activities, including pull-ups, chin-ups, etc.
    • Resistance Bands: Resistance bands are elastic bands that offer resistance when stretched. These can assist with many workouts, including squats, push-ups, and pull-ups.
    • Yoga Mat: A yoga mat offers a cushioned surface for activities requiring reclining or kneeling on the floor. Moreover, it provides grip and traction, which can help avoid slips and falls.
    • Jump Rope: Jumping rope is a great cardiovascular exercise. Also, it is an excellent technique to warm up before a bodyweight exercise.
    • Exercise with a Stability Ball: Stretching, balance training, and core workouts are all possible with a stability ball.

    Bodyweight Workouts For Beginners

    Explanation Of The Top 10 Bodyweight Exercises For Beginners

    These are some of the top-known bodyweight workouts for beginners:

    1) Plank

    It is an exercise for isometric core strength that requires holding a position just like in a push-up for as long as you can. Numerous additional exercises also use it as their beginning point.

    2) Elevated Push-ups

    An alternative to the standard push-up exercise are elevated push-ups, commonly referred to as incline push-ups. In contrast to standard push-ups, which engage your chest, arms, and shoulders, incline pushups focus more on your chest while relieving some of the strain from your arms and shoulders.

    3) Mountain Climbers

    Man in sportswear doing Mountain Climbers

    The mountain climber exercise is a dynamic total body workout that targets the core, shoulders, and legs. With the help of this exercise, multiple muscles are used at once which helps in increased heart rate and assists in burning more calories.

    4) Bodyweight Squats

    Do Squats Make Your Butt Smaller

    Bodyweight squats require you to squat while maintaining your own weight. This exercise works your quadriceps, glutes, and other leg muscles, as well as your core and lower back. This is a simple bodyweight workout you can perform in the office or while traveling.

    5) Lunges

    Sporty Woman Doing Quadriceps Exercises
    Sporty Hispanic girl doing lunges with dumbbells at home, empty space

    Lunges are a type of exercise that primarily targets the muscles in your lower body, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. The exercise helps you get a perfect buttock.

    6) Jump Squats

    A regular squat and a vertical jump are combined in a plyometric workout called a jump squat. Jump squats are a great exercise for increasing physical strength and calorie burning.

    7) Crunches

    Crunches are a type of exercise that primarily targets the abdominal muscles. These are similar to sit-ups, but only the upper body is lifted off the ground as opposed to the complete back.

    8) Burpees

    Burpees are a type of exercise that involves quickly transitioning between a few different movements. They are typically done for cardiovascular and strength training.

    9) Jumping Jacks

    Cardio warm up #4 Cross Jacks (HIGH INTENSITY)

    For a variety of physical activities, including sports and fitness, jumping jacks are frequently used as a warm-up exercise. These can aid in boosting heart rate, warming up your body’s muscles, and enhancing coordination.

    10) Wall Sits

    Wall Sits

    A wall sit is a sort of exercise that requires sitting against a wall with your back flat against the wall and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. It is a quick and efficient exercise that targets your legs’ muscles.

    Step-By-Step Instructions For Each Exercise


    • Begin in a prone position on the floor, with your forearms and toes touching the ground.
    • Position your elbows directly below your shoulders, and your forearms should be parallel.
    • Slowly raise the body until your body is straight from head to heels.
    • Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.

    Elevated push-ups:

    • Look for a stable elevated surface, like a bench.
    • Put your hands on the bench’s edge, so they are wider than your shoulders.
    • Make sure your body, arms, and feet are all in a straight line.
    • While breathing in, slowly lower your chest to the edge of the bench by bending your elbows. However, keep your body rigid.
    • While your elbows are fully extended, push your body away from the bench. As you push up, exhale.

    Mountain Climbers: 

    • Start in the plank position.
    • Lift your right foot off the ground and bring your right knee toward your chest while keeping your left foot on the ground.
    • Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout.

    Bodyweight Squats:

    • Standing with your toes facing forward or slightly outward, space your feet wider than shoulder-width apart.
    • As if sitting back in a chair, lower your body by bending your knees and hips.
    • Put some pressure on your heels to stand back up.


    • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Keep your front knee aligned with your ankle while bending both knees to lower yourself to the ground.
    • Push your front foot into the ground to elevate your body back to the beginning position.

    Jump Squats:

    • With a step in front of you and your arms bent by your sides, start out in a squat position.
    • Jump up onto the step and land on step with both feet touching at the same time.
    • Come down then repeat


    • Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor,  Put your hands on the back of your head.
    • Lift your head, shoulders, and upper back off the ground by tightening your abs.
    • While you breathe in, reposition yourself to the starting position.


    • Step out with your feet hip or shoulder-width apart. Squat down and place your hands on the floor.
    • While kicking your feet back, maintain a plank position with your arms extended.
    • Return your feet as soon as possible to the squat position. From the squat position, jump and clap your hands in the air.

    Jumping Jacks:

    • Standing upright with your feet together and your arms by your sides.
    • Jump up, spread your feet apart, and raise your arms above your head at the same time.
    • Return to the starting position

    Wall Sits:

    • Sit against the wall with your back flat and knees bent at 90 degrees.
    • Hold this position for as long as you can, starting with 30 seconds and gradually increasing the time as you get stronger.

    How To Create A Beginner’s Workout Plan

    It can be difficult for beginners to create a proper bodyweight workout plan, but it’s important to begin with one that is simple, doable, and enjoyable. You can start with;

    • Define your fitness goals.
    • Figure out your fitness level.
    • Start with easy activities and progress slowly.
    • Set a realistic schedule.
    • Monitor your progress.

    Tips For Successful Bodyweight Workouts

    Full-Body Workout At Home

    Importance Of Proper Form

    Whether you are doing bodyweight exercises for abs or for weight loss, to get the most out of your workout, it is crucial to understand and practise proper form. There are several reasons to ensure that you use a proper form for any kind of exercise including safety, effectiveness, lowering the risk of injury, and progression over time.

    Explanation Of The Concept Of Progressive Overload

    A fundamental training strategy known as “progressive overload” calls for gradually raising the demands placed on your muscles in order to continue building strength and muscle mass. This instructs you to progressively raise the number of sets, reps, or weight in your strength training practice. Your body will be trained to work more as a result, strengthening your musculoskeletal system.

    Tips For Avoiding Injury

    It is completely logical to expect an injury if you make your body work more than its tolerance level. Hence to avoid such circumstances you should;

    • Use proper form.
    • Warm up before exercising.
    • Take breaks when working out.
    • Use supportive equipment.
    • Increase intensity gradually.


    Is It Necessary To Warm Up Before A Bodyweight Workout?

    Before working out, your body needs some movements to warm up your muscles for flexibility. Warming up helps prevent injuries and prepare your body for physical activity. In addition, it improves workout performance, raises the heart rate, boosts blood supply to muscles, and raises body temperature.

    How Many Times A Week Should I Do Bodyweight Workouts?

    How many times you should go for bodyweight exercises per week entirely depends on your fitness goals, physical fitness, and strength; hence it can vary from person to person. However, for most people, 2-3 times a week can be a good starting point to help boost overall fitness. It is also suitable as a bodyweight workout for beginners.

    Can I Combine Bodyweight Workouts With Weightlifting Or Cardio Exercise?

    Combining bodyweight workouts with other exercises is a great option if your goal is more than just any specific target. Adding weights to your exercises can help you improve resistance and enhance the mass of your muscles; hence the combination is more effective. Similarly, cardio activities also increase endurance and general fitness.

    What Are Some Beginner-Friendly Bodyweight Exercises?

    Bodyweight exercises are a great starting point for strength training. Some beginner-friendly and effective exercises for this purpose are squats, burpees, planks, lunges, push-ups, crunches, jumping jacks, and wall sits.

    What Equipment Do I Need For A Bodyweight Workout?

    Even though bodyweight workouts are famous because you can exercise without needing any equipment, you can add simple equipment like a pull-up bar, resistance band, jump rope, and stability ball to make your workout more effective.


    Bodyweight exercises are ones in which you utilize your own weight as resistance. These workouts can provide various benefits, including enhancing flexibility, improving strength, improving cardiovascular health, and overall general health.

    Incorporating bodyweight workouts into your routine can bring many benefits that should motivate you to start them as soon as possible. These exercises are relatively simple, require no equipment or membership, and can be performed anywhere to give you effective results.

    Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Exercise has numerous physical and mental benefits and can help prevent many chronic diseases. Hence, we highly encourage everyone, including women and kids, to exercise daily for overall better fitness.